Florendine Primary School

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Online safety   

         Keeping your child safe online           

Information for parents

Parent access to National Online Security resources-Enrol here for free.



promoting love of early writing


Promoting physical wellbeing

Parent guide to Palworld

Fairplay and Friendly Competition

Healthy sleeping patterns

Parent guide to OMETV

 Media usage report 2024

Supporting self-regulation.

Parent guide to WhatsApp

Parent's guide to shopping apps

Parent guide to Tekken 8

Developing healthy sleep patterns

Parent guide to Monkey

Parent guide to hate speech

Parent guide to MYLOL

Parent guide to persuasive design

Helping to manage screen time

 Smartphone safety tips

Parent guide to Disney +

Tips for a tech-free Christmas

Guide to X ( was Twitter)

Guide to the Online Safety act

Guide to micro-transactions

Guide to Smart TVs

Parent's guide to FC 24

 Parent's guide to Five nights at Freddy's