Florendine Primary School

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At Florendine we look to develop a curriculum of character alongside the academic requirements of the National Curriculum. The shared goals for our learners can be summarised through these three areas of personal development: as a person; as a learner; as a citizen.

Our whole curriculum is underpinned by a love of reading - at the core of very new learning journey that the children explore, is a great book. 

Our vision for our pupils is that they will leave our school with these characteristics.



At Florendine we look to develop a curriculum of character alongside the academic requirements of the National Curriculum. The shared goals for our learners can be summarised through these three areas of personal development: as a person, as a learner and as a citizen.

Learning Journey's at Florendine

Our curriculum is driven by our love of reading. Every exciting new learning journey that we explore begins with a book. From there, our learning branches into a broad and balanced curriculum offering a range of learning opportunities for all of our pupils. Our Curriculum Reading Spine is carefully selected and continuously evaluated to ensure that reading that is exciting, varied and engaging, specifically for the children in our community, is at the heart of every learning journey that we begin.

We deliver the National curriculum though these learning Journeys that link all aspects of the curriculum to a central creative theme. We feel that when the children's learning is linked in this way it helps them to build connections between different subjects and consequently has more meaning and purpose.


Parent guide- Reading at Florendine in EYFS and KS1

Phonics at Florendine

English at Florendine -EYFS

English at Florendine-KS1

Maths at Florendine

 Here's an overview of what your child will be learning about during the first Spring half-term.

Click on the picture to find out more.


                             In Reception                                       In Year 1/2                                           In Year 3/4                                              In Year 5/6


  At Florendine we aim to provide a welcoming environment and opportunities for children to become independent and active participants in their own learning. We have high expectations of our children and ensure that they have the opportunity to achieve their full academic and social potential.

Our underpinning values remain;

• Enjoying school and achieving our potential

• Making informed choices and doing the right thing.

• Facing challenges with confidence and learning from our mistakes.

• Working together to overcome problems.

• Working with independence, resilience and pride.

• Develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.

In this context, we aim to provide a curriculum which equips our children to meet the changing needs of their future and prepares them for their life as a responsible global citizen.
These are the values and beliefs that shape our common philosophy and approach in everything we do as a school.
We believe that all children have the potential to achieve great things and that we have a responsibility to instill in our children a sense of pride in who they are, how they act and what they accomplish. It is this responsibility that shapes the way we do things at Florendine.


An outline of our school curriculum overview can be found here.

Subject coverage for each year group can be found here, for each of our two years in our rolling programme. 

Please come and speak to us, if you want to know more about our curriculum.



Cycle A


Cycle B



Cycle A


Cycle B


23-24 Cycle A 24-25 Cycle B



Cycle A 24-25 Cycle B




Curriculum statements













Art and Design








Relationships and Health Education – RHE

Programme Progression